Death to music!!!
A small update on the on-stage suicide i told you lot about that is supposed to take place.
The band Hell on Earth was going to let a fan commit suicide on-stage to protest against the laws against euthanasia.
The concert they planned it on was supposed to be this coming weekend....but!
The authorities in St Petersburg, Florida, have created an emergency law to prevent it from happening.
The law says its illegal to commit suicide at a commercial event. There are also punishments for hosting such an event, selling tickets for it and promoting it.
The owner of the hall where the concert should be this saturday cancelled it. The band wants to go on as schedualed and risk to get jailed for 60 days and 500 dollar in fines.
There is a case here in the Netherlands now. A consultant for a organisation that gives help with euthanasia was sentenced to 6 months for making a list with things a 81 year old woman needed to kill herself. He listed 3 ways and she picked the one she could most likely do. Other people gave her advice too, but the consultant was there when she tried to kill herself. When she was still breathing normally he checked her mothod for mistakes and later she died. The method she used was a combination of alcohol, medicines and a plastic bag she put around her head and closed with a rubber band around her neck. The man is waiting for his appeal, which is due on october 14th.
Heh, how sad it is that one cant decide whether he or she lives or dies in a situation like this. The cancer eating away at you, you become but a shadow of what you used to be, with unsufferable pains. Familly watching you slowly fading away untill they cant even recognize the person there before them. Unable to walk, hardly able to talk, untill you slip away in silence as death checks if you are even worth taking. If this is what mercy is, then i want no part of it, cos mercy looks rather diabolical to me...
The Spanish former shoemaker Joan Riudavets is now the oldest man alive. With his 113 year old he just became the oldest living man, the former oldest man, Yukichi Chuganji from Japan, died last sunday at an age of 114.
The oldest living woman is still Kamato Hongo from Japan, with her 116 year shes the oldest human alive, and the oldest ever to live according to the Guiness Book of Records. Unless you believe the Bible that is.
Quite a contrast with the first article this one, but hey, getting old sucks if you ask me....
Death by nature!
In a report on deaths due to the environemental changes its stated that some 160.000 people died due to changes in the weather caused by the burning of fossil fuels. More draught (uhm, typo ?) more floods and bad crops are the cause of most deaths. Also illnesses are spreading more, like malaria and diarea. Its mostly 3rd world countries that are getting hit by these, causing many children to die. The heat kills mostly western old people.
Russia is now willing to join the Kyoto Protocol, which is meant to lessen the burning of fossil fuels. If they do join the protocol can finally get started for real.
Death seems to be a main subject in this blog eh ? More to come too...
Police find corpse...
People in Rotterdam called the police after finding a body in some trash container. The police found what appeared to be a dead man in a trash container. After kicking against the container and prodding to make sure the man was dead they started to make a crime scene. When they later prodded the man again....he suddenly woke up, the people that were watching gave him an applaus and he went looking for a new place to sleep, leaving the police without a dead body for their crime scene...
Heh, silly this :P
According to a recent study illegal logging in Indonesia and Malaysia could very well cause the extinction of Orangutans within 10-20 years. The natural habitat of the Orangutans is getting smaller and smaller as loggers move more and more inland from the river shores they already stripped. There are some 25.000 Orangutans left on earth right now, and illegal logging is slowly eating away at the homes of these creatures. The Indonesian government is trying to stop logging, but the loggers just hide and come back after the police and rangers are gone.
Orangutans are closely related to humans. Some groups are even using tools and teaching their children how to use them too. If the children will ever get the chance to teach their own childrens remains to be seen...
:S Now this makes me sad, these animals have absolutelly no choice in the matter and cant do anything but hit food with rocks, tease honeybees with twigs and scratch their asses with sticks while watching the world destroy them.
First man in space...a china man ?
Before this year is over China are looking to get a man in space.
There was however a man from China that tried to reach the stars long before Yuri Gagarin ever got there.
Wan Hu, a chinese stargazer from around 1500 AD, during the Ming Dynasty, was so obsessed with the stars that he would do anything to reach them. For a long time he searched, and finally had an idea.
The chinese army had been using rockets for some time and Wan Hu saw these as the perfect way to get to the stars.
He build his spacecraft from a chair and 47 rockets, the biggest he could find in the whole of China. He had 47 servants help him out by lighting the fuses with 47 torches.
A large explosion followed, then a lot of smoke. After the smoke cleared nothing could be found of either Wan Hu or his "spacecraft". Did i reach his beloved stars....?
Teehee! Silly Chinese guy :P
Yay! FaitH related news :
The Chinese are furious about an orgy that took place in a 5 star hotel in Zhuhai.
Some 400 (!) Japanese tourists had an orgy with some 500 (!!) Chinese prostitutes. The orgy, according to Chinese government officials, was planned to be at the same time as the 72nd anniversary of the Japanse invasion in Nothern China, which is of great value to the Chinese, making this a big insult.
Prostitution is illegal in China, go figure...
So, they act like FaitH players eh ? :P Orgies all over the place :P
The Dutch find masturbating a bigger taboe then STD's and talking about sex in general...
Heh! Bunch of wankers! Uhm, oh, ehhhh, wait, that's me, uhmmmmm
/me hides...
Pics :
Awww, the first ever "Thinmonkey" (a what ? dunno, its translated from dutch :P) born in captivity....
Quentin is a bit frisky at the premiere of Kill Bill in Hollywood...
Awww, thats all, uhm, cos its late, bedtime here.
Tune in...uhm....whenever i post more...i guess....
| posted by merc, 2:06 PM
Keep your pants up
The Indonesian Department of Justice is looking to make homosexuality, cohabitation (thanks Niko!), oral sex, and adultery illegal. They arent yet forbidden by the law, but are seen as moraly disgusting (or whatever, they think its icky)
They are looking to add new laws to the mostly dutch kolonial laws from long ago. The changes are mostly drawn from Islamic-, international convention- and tribal-law.
Unmarried couples getting caught living together can be jailed for 2 years. A man impregnating a woman and then not willing to marry her can get up to 5 years in jail. Sodomy and oral sex can get you between 3 and 12 years. And homosexuality between 1 and 7 years.
Indonesia is the worlds biggest Islamic country (!) although its not the national religion, and most Indonesians arent as islamic as most mouslims in most other countries.
Wouldnt wanna be a gay couple, living together after their wives ran away after they impregnated the babysitter, doing oral sex at a police convention....uhm, or would we ?
Sunscreen/cream, whatever, doesnt stop skincancer.
Or so british scientists discovered. Uhm, didnt Baz Luhrman already tell us that ?
How to lose 1 billion euro's...
The dutch economy is doing so freaking great, and look there, one of our great internationals is about to give out a report on the loses for 2002.
Oh yes, they did very well, if all goes according to plan they will finish with a loss of 1 billion euro's....and we did worse this year, uhoh!!! Must be all the men in high positions getting millions of euro's for screwing up :P
Good stuff that! Yay!
Hmmm, what would I do with 1 billion euro's then ? Hmmm, I think I would buy Brad Pitt, and I would take over his body, oh, and do his wife. :D
Entire world connected in 6 steps
Researchers at Columbia University tested the theory that everybody on the earth is connected by only 6 steps. 60.000 volunteers from 166 different countries participated in an e-mail experiment to test the theory. The idea is that by contacting someone you know you can reach someone you dont know in 6 steps. So each step is someone cantacting someone they know.
The researchers had 18 targets in 13 different countries. And guess what ? They got reached in 5-7 steps, making it an average of 6 :)
Funny thing is most men contacted men, and the women mostly contacted other women. Proffesional contacts appeared to take less time/turns then familly and friends.
The results will be published in the American magazine Science.
The original theory dates from 1967 when an american researcher did the same test with normal mail. He/she also got an average of 6 steps. Surprising to hear that...
Dead Sea d(r)ying
The Dead Sea is drying up. In the last 50 years the waterlevel has dropped 27 meters.
Many resorts and hotels that once were directly at the water are now close to a mile away from it. A couple that is going to a resort there since 1980 could get to the water within a few steps, but now they take a tractor-trolley to cover the 1 kilometer trip.
A reason for the low water level is that there is less rainfall in the Jordan River, aswell as nearby Kalium mines.
The authorities are now looking at a plan to pump water from the Red Sea into the Dead Sea, bridging a distance of 320 kilometers. If this is economically possible is yet to be determined. Hopefully they know before 2050, when the Dead Sea is expected to have dried up completely.
Anything can float on it then I bet!
A kid for a color TV
A poor Albanian couple has confessed to have traded their child to a criminal gang for a color television in 1999.
The father traded the child to a gang of smugglers who smuggled humans.
They sold the child to an Italian older couple, for 5000 euro's, who were arrested this weekend.
They Albanian couple acted mostly out of fear, the Italian police determined.
The police found out about the boy, who is now 7 and called Michele, after they arrested the leader of the smugglers. On hearing the news of his arrest the biological mother contacted the authorities, hoping to get her son back.
The boy is with social services for the time being.
The gang is suspected to have sold some 60 Albanian children in Southern Italy. Only half have been found so far.
Some dutch guy found an old letter...
...from Ren? Descartes, a philosopher who lived from 1596 till 1650, mostly in holland, it was found in a library in Berlin....
Good for him!!!
Wow Terin !!! Great job dude! Look at all them newbies wanting to join!!!!! He even numbered them!!!
Oh, and ladies...Bruce Willis hot ???? :P I dont think so!
| posted by merc, 2:29 PM
So there i was, riding my bike home from clubbing. Yup, thats right, i go clubbing on my bike, the chicks love it...
But anyway, there i was, as always, having scored a total of 0 chicks, i had dunked a few beers and finished it all of with jus d'orange. Im a bad boy like that...
As i said, i was riding my bike home, and singing. I love to sing on my bike, especially at night. When there is noone around....or so i tend to think...
So i was going nuts on my bike, i usually start of with some Pearl Jam, then shift to some Smashing Pumpkins, after that i usually throw in a love song, either dutch or english. So i was screaming my guts out, i warned you i go nuts right ?
And right in the middle of Plush, by the Stone Temple Pilots, surprise! Some bloke starts screaming out of his window...
"Will you fuck off already you fucking bastard!!! Every freaking week you ride by here singing your fucking guts out, i will fucking kick your ugly ass next time i hear you!!!! Fucking asshole!!!"
How rude is that ? I mean, it was only 5:15 in the morning, arent people even allowed to sing in the morning ?
It was such a lovely morning too, dark, wet, idiot singing. Sounds like a nice morning to me...
Who wouldnt want to wake up to me singing...? Well...?
So now im just hoping i wont be too drunk next time and forget about the guy, cos im thinking he will be ready next time...:S
It's not like im a bad singer, the opposite actually, im rather good. But when beer comes into the equation, i tend to uhm, go overboard, and thats when even cats run in fear of my uhm, lovely voice.
I actually sing whenever im on a bike. Makes for some weird moments really. Ive had people request songs, grannies cheering, and the builders i pass daily have a contest, whoever guesses in advance what i'll be singing as i pass them gets to use the portable toilet first. Now thats an Era prize Terin! ;)
So anyway, if for some reason im not online next saturday, you know it might just be cos ive had my ass kicked by the screaming guy...or am i the screaming guy?...uhmmmm, well, the guy anyway....
| posted by merc, 5:43 AM
Reap what you sow eh ? Even the cow is about to overtake em :P
OMG! These ears are real, 29,2 centimeters, and insured for 45.000 Euro. :P Dumbo aint got shit on this puppy!
Guess how much this here bill is worth..go on... Want a hint ? Try 13.000 times as much as it says...Why ? Look at serie number...
And this here butterfly ? It's called an Agria, is very rare, and gets you about 1 million dollars on the blackmarket....Wonder where that market is though...
Here are the supporters i mentioned earlier this week, good thing Utrecht won the match, cos i know i would kill em for cheering all the time if we lost....
This here fellow was believed to be extinct, but they found one on Cuba, yay! Nice uhm, bagger-ant eater-beast-animal-rat-thingy...i think...
Little bit of news just in : Mexico threatens to turn off Tequila. So nomore Tequila to be bottled in the US, making it a rarity in the US :P Poor you ;) No more Margerita's , or shooters, or whatevers....awwwww
Granny unsued...
The lawsuit against sculptor Sara Seabury Ward was among 261 lawsuits filed this month by the Recording Industry Association of America as part of a fight against Internet file-trading.
It accused her of illegally sharing more than 2,000 songs through the file-sharing service Kazaa, including rapper Trick Daddy's "I'm a Thug."
The industry threatened to hold her liable for up to $150,000 for each song.
But Ward's lawyer, Jeffrey Beeler wrote in a letter to industry representatives that Ward was a "computer neophyte" who never even installed file-sharing software on her computer, The Boston Globe reported Wednesday.
In fact, Ward uses a Macintosh computer at home, and Kazaa runs only on Windows-based computer programs, Beeler noted.
| posted by merc, 11:04 AM






Record Movie Watching...
On 13 December 200 people will get the chance to break the record for watching movies. In Amsterdam they will try to break the current record, held by Thailand, of watching for more then 64 hours and 58 seconds.
There will be about 40 movies to watch in this record attempt, ranging fron classics and popular movies to premieres of Underworld, Mambo Italian and the new Rob Reiners movie, Alex en Emma. (sounds uhm , lovely)
This attempt will be for 70hours non-stop (without sleep, there will be short breaks inbetween movies) and will most likely be for the Guiness book of records. I would fall asleep after the 2nd boring classic prolly....
Smam, Spap, Smap, Spam!
Starting January 21st 2004 spamming will be illegal in California. Spamming peoples e-mail will get you fined, and not only the person sending, but also the advertiser behind it.
Fines can be up to 1000 dollars per e-mail (!) with a maximum of 1 million dollars for large spamming actions (!!)
Spamming from foreign countries will also be illegal.
On a yearly bases about 1/3rd to 1/2th of all e-mail traffic is spam. Mostly from the US and from China (!!!)
European rules will be implemented in November, but if they will work....
How awfull, no more penis growth pills ?
Bush and Blair, sitting in a Tree, both losing their job....Oh wait, that is "wrong"
An anonimous American politician has told a BBC- television program, Daily Politics, that there still havent been found any weapons of massdestruction.
This aint good for Bush and Blair, who both justified their attack on Iraq by stating there were weapons of mass destruction. Blair was already in trouble after he allegedly falsefied documents to make the threat of Iraq look worse, causing a weapons official (dunno right word) to commit suicide. And Bush was losing the trust of america by begging for more money.
All i can say is : Uh Oh!!!
Microsoft dangerous ?
The CCIA (oi? that them killers ?) , the Computer and Communications Industry Association (prolly not eh ? just nerds :P)will probably today come with a report saying that Microsoft is a threat to the American Economy and infrastructure.
I could have told em that long ago! sheesh!
Faking Popularity...:P
A dutch football (thats soccer ;P) stadium will be filled with fake supporters tonight. The real supporters will be banned from the stadium due to hooliganism at the previous international match earlier this year. The game between Utrecht (some bad dutch team, and city) and MSK Zilina from Slowakia will have the stands filed with sheets, on these sheets will be printed photo's of real supporters. This is done to keep morale up during the match. Cant they fill the seats with strippers or something ?????
Kazaa sues the RIAA
The dutch coorperation behind KaZaA is suing the RIAA, a joined group of American music labels. They claim that the RIAA uses unorthodox methods to search out illegal music sharers. Sharman Networks claim the RIAA use KazaaLite, a less commercial and smaller alternative to kazaa to seek out their "enemies"
Other ways include digital fingerprints called "hashes" to find the source of certain files, and "metadata tags" to determine who originally ripped the music from its CD.
Old People...
Old people forget so much cos they remember too much....Oi!?
Researchers in Hamburg reported that old people lose the ability to empty their shortterm memories of trivial things, thus are not able to store important things. A test between 25-30 year olds and 60-75 year olds involved rows of numbers they had to learn. When 1 of the rows was taken out of the test in advance the young people forgot those and only learned the remaining numbers, the old people still knew a few of every row, even the dropped row....
Heh, i have that with beer, did i have 2 ? or was it 12 ? hmmmm
Guess who ?????? :
interresting link here :P
| posted by merc, 11:43 AM
Drugs and stuff...
The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (ODC) announced in a report today in Rome that the use of XTC has gone up with over 70% between 1995 and 2001. The use of Amphetamines went up with over 40% in the same period.
The overall mondial production of synthetic drugs is estimated at 500 tons per year with an estimated value of 65 billion dollars.
Well, that aint a surprise eh ?
But the question now is, how much of that is being used or produced by FaitH playes ? ;)
64-bits Windows...
Microsoft has released a 64-bit beta version of Windows XP for use with the new AMD 64-bit chips. Some Workstations already run on 64-bit Opteron processors from AMD, these machines can already make full use of the new beta release.
Uhm, oi ? My Nintendo was 64-bit long ago...silly PC's...heh...
Europe goes to the moon...
In the night of September 27th and the 28th a European probe will be send to the moon for research on the age and origin of the moon.
The European Space Agency (ESA) will launch their tiny probe, the Smart-1, which will make the journey to the moon in about 15-17 months. Compared to the Apollo 11, that made the same journey in 1969, its a very long time. The Apollo 11 did it in 3 days. The reason for the 400.000 kilometer trip taking so long is the engine the tiny probe uses. The engine will not work on rocketfuel but rather with an ionengine, which uses sunlight to propel the craft, which is about as big as a washing machine. The engine, though much slower on short trips, is much better used for longs trips then rocketfuel based craft, cos of their efficientcy. They use only a tiny part of the energy a normal rocket would use, making it far cheaper (only 100.000 dollars, compared to America's million dollar probes and satelites its very cheap), and lighter too. The power of the engine can be compared to blowing against a sheet of paper...
These kinds of engines are familiar to many for they are mostly used in...Star Trek...
The mission will not only try to determine how old the moon is, or its origin, but it will also try to find out if there is water on the moon, for example on the southpole of the moon, where the sun never shines.
China, Japan and India are also planning on sending a probe to the moon. This christmas probes from Europe, America and Japan will reach Mars.
American woman senytenced to 2 years in jail.
An American woman was sentenced to 2 years in jail for leaving notes in a toilet aboard of a cruiseship saying all Americans would die. The 20 year old woman, who was secretly pregnant and wanted to go home to her boyfriend instead of spending the cruise with her parents didnt mean any harm. After contacting the police the ship however had to change course and cut the trip short. A special anti-terror unit of the FBI searched the entire ship and when they interogated the pasengers the woman told them it had been her doing.
Of the possible 20 years in jail and a fine of 250.000 she got only 2 years in jail. She gave birth to a daughter in June and will start her jail sentence in November.
Teehee! That is what i call american....uhm, or was it dumb....?
Doom 3 Mod banished...
A Mod for Doom 3 has been banished from fileplanet. The Mod, named after Columbine was thought to be distastefull and sick....makes you wonder what kind of violence would have been caused by this Mod....hmmm....
Britney and Christina
Britney Spears once again broke the law...(i mean come on, bad music, bad clothing, bad attitude, how many laws can you break ?), she lighted a sigaret in a none-smoking area of a NightClub where she was visiting the birthday party of Carmen Kass (some model...? dunno her...) Noone however stopped her, many people rather joined in and turned the non-smoking area into a cancer infested uhm, area...
And...omg! Christina Aguilera recently stated in an interview that...she! omg! I would never have noticed! I'll look at her video's in an entirely different way now....
So uhm, blah :P
Only news today... :S
| posted by merc, 10:06 AM
If there is anything in the news that grabs my attention i'm sure to post it in here.
And guess what ?
Indeed! I noticed some "lovely" news items...
Visiting Porno Sites During Work Nolonger Reason For Getting Fired
Darn! Thats a long title :P Great news for the perverts out there eh ?
*hides in fear of being called one of em*
A dutch judge today decided that being caught visiting porno sites during work is nolonger a reason for your boss to fire you. Unless such a rule is put into your contract which clearly states the punishment could very well be losing your job...
So unless you are told in writing that you cant be a pervert and sign it, you can be a pervert....Rightttt!
So uhm, yea, great news...;)
American Rock Band Allow Fan To Commit Suicide On Stage.
The American Shock Rock/Sex Rock/WhateverTheFuckYouCallItRock Hell on Earth have stated they will allow a terminally ill fan to commit suicide on stage.
On the 4th of October a man will plan on commiting suicide at a concert of the band. He is terminally ill and was denied the right for euthanasia cos the law clearly states euthanasia is forbidden.
The police will also be there to try and prevent the planned suicide, though nothing is know about the how and when of the planned suicide.
"We support euthanasia and will do anything in our power to help the man end his life. He clearly longs for death, not due to a mental illness but rather to a illness of the body that is slowly eating away at him. His future now holds only suffering and if we can help him to end his slow and agonizing way towards this death that is unpreventable, we will."
This law is in my opinion very inhumane and clearly out of it's time. To deny a person the right to end his or her life under the supervision of doctors and psychiatrist is only causing suicide rates to go up, and is more so playing God then it is to actually help the person to kill him/herself. "Who are we to take a life ? Only God has the right to do so" That's often the opinion of those opposing euthanasia. I am more a supporter of "Who are we to deny a person the power to end his or her life with the right help when there is only suffering in their future due to an illness." Is this not the act of a merciless God....?
Oh, one more thing about this band...they have sex with cows on stage and blender rats and drink em....yum! Im a big fan.....NOT!
So uhm, go figure, i wish there was a way to reply in public, hmz :S
If you have an opinion on the porn or the euthanasia, uhm, SoD me (1-2-15) and ill post em here in my next blog update thing. Or e-mail me on
Next "blog" : Soon ;)
| posted by merc, 10:15 AM
Oi ?
De Grote Prijs Van Nederland...translated it's The Big Prize Of The Netherlands (or is it price...? oh well, whatever...)
It's a contest for musicians from all kinds of styles, but it's devided into 4 categories :
The artists that participate range from veterans in the music business to total amateurs. Many decent Dutch bands/artists reached fame after taking part in this contest, well, and winning it ofcoarse...
Some of em...? Well, uhmmmmm :
-Total Touch, a Dutch due, brother and sister, that make lovely songs, mostly in english. Only enjoy national fame. (didn't win, but they did participate and reached fame eventually)
-Junkie XL, a Dutch Dance artist (or whatever his style is :P) Used to score commercial international hits with Rude Boy, a dutch MC/rapper idunnowhatheis. Nowadays he's roaming festivals as a "solo" act enjoying himself immensely :) (participated as Mambo Jambo, was also not a winner of the contest :P)
- Johan, one of my favourite Dutch bands, they make catchy pop/rock songs. They sing in english and make videoclips with garden gnomes, always fun....;) (participated as Visions of Johanna, and guess what...? They didnt win either :P Same year as Junkie XL)
- De Heidenroosjes, great dutch Punk band (and omg! they didnt win...)
- K's Choice, loved by many, they enjoy international fame with their great songs, a must in your playlist if you like, uhm, good music (participated as The Choice in the same year as De Heidenroosjes, didn't win)
From 1996 onward they introduced the 4 categories I mentioned.
- Green Lizard, great Dutch rock band, they have some great acoustic songs they did for 2 meter sessies, a dutch acoustic music program with international bands and singers. I love those songs, the other songs are great too, dont get me wrong...All english (though they did release a dutch song, but it sounded Disney to me :P) (OMG! They won!)
- Brainpower, a dutch rapper who looks whiter then Eminem, its probably his glasses...:) He's a great rapper though and had an international hit this year (?) with a remake of a great song, One Mic, featuring uhm...uhmmmmm....or was it versus.... (he won best HipHop/RnB, as a rapper...)
- Raymzter, some dutch rapper, dunno him really, just see him on TV as a zap by...(won RnB/HipHop)
Well, that's about all the winners or participants that now enjoy (inter)national fame.
I hear you wondering why I'm posting something about it...
Well, I went to a regional final this saturday, but not as a visitor, uhm, well, not really...
I was there with one of the participants, in their uhm, posse ;)
They were taking part in the Dance category and had to beat 3 other acts for a place in the national finals.
They being 2 DJ's/Producers from over here called Coming Soon Live. They make Techno and Tek-House (or is that Tech-House ?)
The contest was in this uhm, disco thingy in some town i had only heard of but never knew where it was...the Buk Buk in Heiloo...the what!? Indeed....
We were first to arrive and immediatly made ourselves at home, everything there was tiny so making yourself feel at home was mostly squeezing yourself into some corner. Not long after more people arrived, mostly 20-25 year olds that looked like uhm, well, kids. Compared to our veterans anyway, both being 30+ years old :) There were also 2 guys as support for our act (yea yea, not mine, but hey...), 2 VJ's. Something the others didnt have :)
Our (me and a friend, who is related to one of the guys participating) job was clear, check out the competition and bust their kneecaps if they posed a threat...oh, and take pictures for i brought my camera...
Our group went up to the relax area (a small attic with a few couches and a big fridge) and made it our home base :) I drank all the beer in sight leaving nothing for any other support people thingies (cos artists dont drink...)
Another group of contestants joined us upstairs and we started checking them out. They were a group of musicians with instruments and a computer that set the rhytm and bass. They had a sax player, a flute weirdo, a african drum player, a bassguitar guy and a guy with a keyboard....
Me and my friend started chatting up this girl, thinking she was the girlfriend of one of the guys. Darn was she hot! Yum! We discovered all kinds of weird things, including her knowing a lot of people we knew, eek! But we also discovered she was the singer of that group...darn! She was tiny, but not the 18 year old i gave her, no, she was 25, hmz, and had a great voice, darn! Me and my friend decided not to break her kneecaps, oh no, for I had far better plans with her, after she took her jacket off and her cleavage stared at me...;)
Anyway, blah blah blah...
So we had microwave dinners, more beer and talked to a bunch of people.
The contest started freaking too late, and we were last in line too...
The first act, to our surprise did very very well, very well indeed, but that was prolly just cos i fancied the singer ;) It was a swinging group of uhm , well, scarecrows, or zombies, or whatever, only 2 of them moved while on the stage, the others stood there with their instruments, staring at the ground or some fixed point on the far far horizon :P The did play, but without moving (much). But yum, she moved nicely indeed...
The second guys were : a 21 year old who didnt know anything about technology or programs or anything, the other guy was a guitar player to support the first guy... It was, uhm, boring. His comment afterwords : We need a singer...
The third act was a DJ who uhm, put on records, and uhm, mixed em....He did make the music himself, lets just say he mixed better...
Then finally, after 6 hours of drinking beer and hanging around our act was finally up... After 2 minutes of play the first act of that night took to the dancefloor and all started going crazy on the Techno of our guys....thats usually not a good idea, in my opinion anyway....But omg, they rocked, and the girl...had a boyfriend waiting....bah!
The jury had to talk for a bit to pick a winner, so we went up to get some beer.... I decided to talk to the girl some more, the nice thing about getting a backstage pass, no boyfriends upstairs...;) My friend, who produces music asked her if she wanted to record something (nice pickup line that...) And lo!, she did. On telling her i was his text writer she decided we should both have her number. Did i mention i dont have a phone...and i had been drinking beer for 7 hours straight....?
Well anyway, on getting downstairs again, our guys had already won and were looking for us all over, with champagne and a big cardboard ticket thingy for the finals. So i took some more pics and uhm, had some beer, cos i hate champagne :S
We stayed a bit more and went home, all tired, satisfied, and, struggling to remember a partial phonenumber cos my brain had decided to spring holes...
So what do i remember of the number ? Well, it had a 1 in it, i think....
So next up, the finals in the Paradiso in Rotterdam on the 5th of december...I'll remember to bring a pen then...
(not my next post, that will be up tomorrow when im destined to meet more girls and such...;))
| posted by merc, 1:50 PM
Introducing merc
Well, here I am.
Finally I can share my thoughts with anyone willing and able to read them, or atleast that's the big idea.
Here I can typo and curse and be the cheap bastard people think I am, yay! Oh but wait, I'm Dutch, so that's means I can't be anything but cheap, oh well...
So who is this guy anyway ?
Well, I'm merc, aka Mercapto Sinalot from 1-2.
Yes, that's right, I'm one of those bastards from Shadows of Rift, got a problem with that ?!
Heh! But anyway, really I'm called Sander Heijstee, though I tend to hide behind many different aliases. Why ? Isn't that clear yet ? ;) I'm this 22 year old Dutch guy that lacks something called a "Real Life", it's this strange concept I read others type about...
I've been around for like, ages, and then some, and haven't even started spouting my nonsense yet....
So uhm, without further ado....uhm, or whatever, here is the start of a beautifull uhm, something....
| posted by merc, 12:23 PM