Death to music!!!
A small update on the on-stage suicide i told you lot about that is supposed to take place.
The band Hell on Earth was going to let a fan commit suicide on-stage to protest against the laws against euthanasia.
The concert they planned it on was supposed to be this coming weekend....but!
The authorities in St Petersburg, Florida, have created an emergency law to prevent it from happening.
The law says its illegal to commit suicide at a commercial event. There are also punishments for hosting such an event, selling tickets for it and promoting it.
The owner of the hall where the concert should be this saturday cancelled it. The band wants to go on as schedualed and risk to get jailed for 60 days and 500 dollar in fines.
There is a case here in the Netherlands now. A consultant for a organisation that gives help with euthanasia was sentenced to 6 months for making a list with things a 81 year old woman needed to kill herself. He listed 3 ways and she picked the one she could most likely do. Other people gave her advice too, but the consultant was there when she tried to kill herself. When she was still breathing normally he checked her mothod for mistakes and later she died. The method she used was a combination of alcohol, medicines and a plastic bag she put around her head and closed with a rubber band around her neck. The man is waiting for his appeal, which is due on october 14th.
Heh, how sad it is that one cant decide whether he or she lives or dies in a situation like this. The cancer eating away at you, you become but a shadow of what you used to be, with unsufferable pains. Familly watching you slowly fading away untill they cant even recognize the person there before them. Unable to walk, hardly able to talk, untill you slip away in silence as death checks if you are even worth taking. If this is what mercy is, then i want no part of it, cos mercy looks rather diabolical to me...
The Spanish former shoemaker Joan Riudavets is now the oldest man alive. With his 113 year old he just became the oldest living man, the former oldest man, Yukichi Chuganji from Japan, died last sunday at an age of 114.
The oldest living woman is still Kamato Hongo from Japan, with her 116 year shes the oldest human alive, and the oldest ever to live according to the Guiness Book of Records. Unless you believe the Bible that is.
Quite a contrast with the first article this one, but hey, getting old sucks if you ask me....
Death by nature!
In a report on deaths due to the environemental changes its stated that some 160.000 people died due to changes in the weather caused by the burning of fossil fuels. More draught (uhm, typo ?) more floods and bad crops are the cause of most deaths. Also illnesses are spreading more, like malaria and diarea. Its mostly 3rd world countries that are getting hit by these, causing many children to die. The heat kills mostly western old people.
Russia is now willing to join the Kyoto Protocol, which is meant to lessen the burning of fossil fuels. If they do join the protocol can finally get started for real.
Death seems to be a main subject in this blog eh ? More to come too...
Police find corpse...
People in Rotterdam called the police after finding a body in some trash container. The police found what appeared to be a dead man in a trash container. After kicking against the container and prodding to make sure the man was dead they started to make a crime scene. When they later prodded the man again....he suddenly woke up, the people that were watching gave him an applaus and he went looking for a new place to sleep, leaving the police without a dead body for their crime scene...
Heh, silly this :P
According to a recent study illegal logging in Indonesia and Malaysia could very well cause the extinction of Orangutans within 10-20 years. The natural habitat of the Orangutans is getting smaller and smaller as loggers move more and more inland from the river shores they already stripped. There are some 25.000 Orangutans left on earth right now, and illegal logging is slowly eating away at the homes of these creatures. The Indonesian government is trying to stop logging, but the loggers just hide and come back after the police and rangers are gone.
Orangutans are closely related to humans. Some groups are even using tools and teaching their children how to use them too. If the children will ever get the chance to teach their own childrens remains to be seen...
:S Now this makes me sad, these animals have absolutelly no choice in the matter and cant do anything but hit food with rocks, tease honeybees with twigs and scratch their asses with sticks while watching the world destroy them.
First man in space...a china man ?
Before this year is over China are looking to get a man in space.
There was however a man from China that tried to reach the stars long before Yuri Gagarin ever got there.
Wan Hu, a chinese stargazer from around 1500 AD, during the Ming Dynasty, was so obsessed with the stars that he would do anything to reach them. For a long time he searched, and finally had an idea.
The chinese army had been using rockets for some time and Wan Hu saw these as the perfect way to get to the stars.
He build his spacecraft from a chair and 47 rockets, the biggest he could find in the whole of China. He had 47 servants help him out by lighting the fuses with 47 torches.
A large explosion followed, then a lot of smoke. After the smoke cleared nothing could be found of either Wan Hu or his "spacecraft". Did i reach his beloved stars....?
Teehee! Silly Chinese guy :P
Yay! FaitH related news :
The Chinese are furious about an orgy that took place in a 5 star hotel in Zhuhai.
Some 400 (!) Japanese tourists had an orgy with some 500 (!!) Chinese prostitutes. The orgy, according to Chinese government officials, was planned to be at the same time as the 72nd anniversary of the Japanse invasion in Nothern China, which is of great value to the Chinese, making this a big insult.
Prostitution is illegal in China, go figure...
So, they act like FaitH players eh ? :P Orgies all over the place :P
The Dutch find masturbating a bigger taboe then STD's and talking about sex in general...
Heh! Bunch of wankers! Uhm, oh, ehhhh, wait, that's me, uhmmmmm
/me hides...
Pics :
Awww, the first ever "Thinmonkey" (a what ? dunno, its translated from dutch :P) born in captivity....
Quentin is a bit frisky at the premiere of Kill Bill in Hollywood...
Awww, thats all, uhm, cos its late, bedtime here.
Tune in...uhm....whenever i post more...i guess....
| posted by merc, 2:06 PM
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