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Drugs and stuff... The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (ODC) announced in a report today in Rome that the use of XTC has gone up with over 70% between 1995 and 2001. The use of Amphetamines went up with over 40% in the same period. The overall mondial production of synthetic drugs is estimated at 500 tons per year with an estimated value of 65 billion dollars. Well, that aint a surprise eh ? But the question now is, how much of that is being used or produced by FaitH playes ? ;) 64-bits Windows... Microsoft has released a 64-bit beta version of Windows XP for use with the new AMD 64-bit chips. Some Workstations already run on 64-bit Opteron processors from AMD, these machines can already make full use of the new beta release. Uhm, oi ? My Nintendo was 64-bit long ago...silly PC's...heh... Europe goes to the moon... In the night of September 27th and the 28th a European probe will be send to the moon for research on the age and origin of the moon. The European Space Agency (ESA) will launch their tiny probe, the Smart-1, which will make the journey to the moon in about 15-17 months. Compared to the Apollo 11, that made the same journey in 1969, its a very long time. The Apollo 11 did it in 3 days. The reason for the 400.000 kilometer trip taking so long is the engine the tiny probe uses. The engine will not work on rocketfuel but rather with an ionengine, which uses sunlight to propel the craft, which is about as big as a washing machine. The engine, though much slower on short trips, is much better used for longs trips then rocketfuel based craft, cos of their efficientcy. They use only a tiny part of the energy a normal rocket would use, making it far cheaper (only 100.000 dollars, compared to America's million dollar probes and satelites its very cheap), and lighter too. The power of the engine can be compared to blowing against a sheet of paper... These kinds of engines are familiar to many for they are mostly used in...Star Trek... The mission will not only try to determine how old the moon is, or its origin, but it will also try to find out if there is water on the moon, for example on the southpole of the moon, where the sun never shines. China, Japan and India are also planning on sending a probe to the moon. This christmas probes from Europe, America and Japan will reach Mars. American woman senytenced to 2 years in jail. An American woman was sentenced to 2 years in jail for leaving notes in a toilet aboard of a cruiseship saying all Americans would die. The 20 year old woman, who was secretly pregnant and wanted to go home to her boyfriend instead of spending the cruise with her parents didnt mean any harm. After contacting the police the ship however had to change course and cut the trip short. A special anti-terror unit of the FBI searched the entire ship and when they interogated the pasengers the woman told them it had been her doing. Of the possible 20 years in jail and a fine of 250.000 she got only 2 years in jail. She gave birth to a daughter in June and will start her jail sentence in November. Teehee! That is what i call american....uhm, or was it dumb....? Doom 3 Mod banished... A Mod for Doom 3 has been banished from fileplanet. The Mod, named after Columbine was thought to be distastefull and sick....makes you wonder what kind of violence would have been caused by this Mod....hmmm.... Britney and Christina Britney Spears once again broke the law...(i mean come on, bad music, bad clothing, bad attitude, how many laws can you break ?), she lighted a sigaret in a none-smoking area of a NightClub where she was visiting the birthday party of Carmen Kass (some model...? dunno her...) Noone however stopped her, many people rather joined in and turned the non-smoking area into a cancer infested uhm, area... And...omg! Christina Aguilera recently stated in an interview that...she likes...sex! omg! I would never have noticed! I'll look at her video's in an entirely different way now.... So uhm, blah :P Only news today... :S
| posted by merc, 10:06 AM


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