Record Movie Watching...
On 13 December 200 people will get the chance to break the record for watching movies. In Amsterdam they will try to break the current record, held by Thailand, of watching for more then 64 hours and 58 seconds.
There will be about 40 movies to watch in this record attempt, ranging fron classics and popular movies to premieres of Underworld, Mambo Italian and the new Rob Reiners movie, Alex en Emma. (sounds uhm , lovely)
This attempt will be for 70hours non-stop (without sleep, there will be short breaks inbetween movies) and will most likely be for the Guiness book of records. I would fall asleep after the 2nd boring classic prolly....
Smam, Spap, Smap, Spam!
Starting January 21st 2004 spamming will be illegal in California. Spamming peoples e-mail will get you fined, and not only the person sending, but also the advertiser behind it.
Fines can be up to 1000 dollars per e-mail (!) with a maximum of 1 million dollars for large spamming actions (!!)
Spamming from foreign countries will also be illegal.
On a yearly bases about 1/3rd to 1/2th of all e-mail traffic is spam. Mostly from the US and from China (!!!)
European rules will be implemented in November, but if they will work....
How awfull, no more penis growth pills ?
Bush and Blair, sitting in a Tree, both losing their job....Oh wait, that is "wrong"
An anonimous American politician has told a BBC- television program, Daily Politics, that there still havent been found any weapons of massdestruction.
This aint good for Bush and Blair, who both justified their attack on Iraq by stating there were weapons of mass destruction. Blair was already in trouble after he allegedly falsefied documents to make the threat of Iraq look worse, causing a weapons official (dunno right word) to commit suicide. And Bush was losing the trust of america by begging for more money.
All i can say is : Uh Oh!!!
Microsoft dangerous ?
The CCIA (oi? that them killers ?) , the Computer and Communications Industry Association (prolly not eh ? just nerds :P)will probably today come with a report saying that Microsoft is a threat to the American Economy and infrastructure.
I could have told em that long ago! sheesh!
Faking Popularity...:P
A dutch football (thats soccer ;P) stadium will be filled with fake supporters tonight. The real supporters will be banned from the stadium due to hooliganism at the previous international match earlier this year. The game between Utrecht (some bad dutch team, and city) and MSK Zilina from Slowakia will have the stands filed with sheets, on these sheets will be printed photo's of real supporters. This is done to keep morale up during the match. Cant they fill the seats with strippers or something ?????
Kazaa sues the RIAA
The dutch coorperation behind KaZaA is suing the RIAA, a joined group of American music labels. They claim that the RIAA uses unorthodox methods to search out illegal music sharers. Sharman Networks claim the RIAA use KazaaLite, a less commercial and smaller alternative to kazaa to seek out their "enemies"
Other ways include digital fingerprints called "hashes" to find the source of certain files, and "metadata tags" to determine who originally ripped the music from its CD.
Old People...
Old people forget so much cos they remember too much....Oi!?
Researchers in Hamburg reported that old people lose the ability to empty their shortterm memories of trivial things, thus are not able to store important things. A test between 25-30 year olds and 60-75 year olds involved rows of numbers they had to learn. When 1 of the rows was taken out of the test in advance the young people forgot those and only learned the remaining numbers, the old people still knew a few of every row, even the dropped row....
Heh, i have that with beer, did i have 2 ? or was it 12 ? hmmmm
Guess who ?????? :
interresting link here :P
| posted by merc, 11:43 AM
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