So i went out last night.
And i had to work today...and im still awake, yay....!
Went to a friends house to chill, then me and 2 other guys decided to go to a club.
So anyway, many many many beers later i went to the toilet...again....
Now there is always a huge line for the toilets, it was a busy night, for a thursday, so there was a line almost all the time. The toilet has one normal sitting toilet bowl thing, and 2 hanging toilets just for peeing, or rather talking to the wall as you are watched by 3 other guys who are in front of the line...
Funny thing is, when the line is 5 guys long, 4 are waiting for the normal toilet, why ?
Well, that is where the drugs are used, with the cocaine that is snorted up noses in there you can buy a nice car, a very nice car....
But this story isnt about cocaine, o no, im used to that, no news there....
The story is this : I arrive at the toilet, and one of the hanging toilets is gone, broken off the like "wtf!?"
So i talk to the other wall and go back for more beer. Blah blah, beer beer, merc flirting, merc striking out...again...blah blah , beer , beer....etc
So i come home from work today, i got home at 5:30 and had to go to work at 8:30 still drunk as a skunk...
Anyway, my dad had to leave to this club i went to, (its the club i have all my adventures....:P) to repair that freaking toilet...hes like, the handyman...
He gets home tonight and asks if i know how that toilet got wrecked...i hadnt a clue, so he told me this :
"A girl went to the mens room and tried going to the toilet there...the hanging toilets...."
It broke off and she ended up butt nekkid on the floor with a broken off toilet and a bunch of guys looking to use some coke in the normal toilet thing watching this drunk ass silly bitch :P
I mean cheesers, how drunk can you get ? Sheeeeesh....
And i missed it!? Lolz!
I was busy flirting with a girl that somehow couldnt see me...strange....
*scratches head*
I ended up so drunk i asked the bartender the name of the girl that works that bar on saturday, or atleast, he finally understood what i was asking after 5 times, and i forgot the name....bah! :P
Oh well, going to see some big name DJ tomorrow night, backstage passes again, yay!
So uhm , yea....
| posted by merc, 1:56 PM
Sponsors wanted...
Ethan Hawke needs YOU!
Yes you! Dont try hiding behind your chair...!
Yup yup, Director Keith Gordon of Ethan's new movie, Billy Dead, is trying to sell shares of Billy Dead Inc. The idea is to sell 900.000 shares, worth €8,75 each, to make the 9 million needed for the movie. When/If the movie starts making money the shareholders will then get their money back...
Keith Gordon's last movie, Waking the Dead, took 9 years to get the sponsoring together. Other movies Ethan Hawke played in include "Tape" scoring a 7,1 on and "Waking Life" scoring a 7,5 on imdb. "Waking Life" got mostly raving reviews, between very few "boring!"'s there were a lot of cheers, including this : "May (and should) some day be considered a cinematic milestone" Not surprisingly the other movie, "Tape", got the same kind of reviews. That because they are both directed by Richard Linklater, known for his deep character orientation, he digs and digs into a character via monologues and dialogues. Let's hope it wasn't all Linklater magic, and that Ethan can help Gordon a bit too...
Waking the Dead, the other movie by Gordon, got only a 6,1 on IMDB, it has Jennifer Connelly in it though!!!! Gets poor viewer ratings every so often though, prolly cos of romantic lines like : "I need you like I have a thousand monkeys on my back." :P But more are raving, calling it a "sleeper" hit.
Wood Would Do It...
Elijah Wood said he would love to star in "The Hobbit". Peter Jackson atfirst didn't want to hear about "The Hobbit", because he had spend enough of his life busy with the Trilogy. Now however he fears some other Director might take a stab at it, possibly screwing up a great story, and the universe he recreated. If he makes the movie he is sure to use the same cast and crew as before, and the same location to keep continuity.
Johnny is hot hot hot!
Oh yes kids, he finally made it...
People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive....
Does that mean Brad Pitt died, he won last year...or did he become less sexy ? Or did Johnny become more sexy when he turned 40...? Or do people fancy Pirates ? Or do People fancy Pirates ?
Hmmm, fine by me though, i myself love Depp, his films, his looks and his writing...
I wonder about him as Willy Wonka though....
Snowflake the Albino Gorrila died today in Barcelona at an age of 40, due to skincancer :(
Poor Snowflake...);
| posted by merc, 11:12 AM

Still recovering from the night before the phone rang once again.
It was dark outside already, i had nearly missed daylight after sleeping in. When i went to bed that morning it was still dark, though the sun was trying to shine her light over the horizon. Slowly the darkness faded as birds woke up, always them damned birds.
"We are going out tonight, wanna come ?"
My head started aching worse, warning me not to go. It was one of those annoying pains, one that beats your head like a drum, bulging your watery eyes, stabbing you with some sharp object just behind the sockets.
"Uhm, yeah, sure, why not..."
Common sense once again got beaten by curiosity, the fear of missing out on stuff. The failed attempt to stop me from going didn't however halt the headache. It lingered on, slowly fading, very slowly...
I watched dinner as it stared back at me, my appetite had returned, that wasn't the problem. I was however thinking of the beer meeting up with dinner later that night. It didn't happen often that they didn't agree, but you never know. Beer fighting dinner is never a good thing, some pretty nasty situation can follow from such an encounter.
I got dressed while talking on mIRC, whenever im home im either sleeping, or on mIRC. I was undecided wether to dress to impress or to just pull something from my closet. On opening my closet i was faced with a fairly simple task, matching my clothes was never hard. A rainbow of darkness flooded over me, no pot of gold to be found at the end of this here rainbow. Black is the main color in this spectrum, grey is just behind, and after that its mostly earth tones.
I wouldn't call myself a depressed person, i do have my moods though. I tend to linger in thought about bad things that happened to me. Trying to organise them in such a fashion that they can help me rather then depress me. That's where my love for lyrics comes in. I've probably written more hit songs then most bands, there is just one problem... I never write em down. As soon as i grab pen and paper the stream of thought, the poetry, the waterfall of words and sentences screaches to a standstill. So all i'm left with once again is a whole lot of nothing...and mIRC.
The idea was to go watch a movie at a friends house before going to this youth center. It's not some building with a pinball machine, a fussball table and too many chairs. This center is more like a club, trying not to be a club. The difference ? Well, i went to a club the night before, and to be honest, there is no real difference. The music beats the same rhythm, the black walls are just as dark, the people are just as narrowminded, the people all say they arent narrow minded and beer is cheaper then cola, and drugs are used in multitude. This place however is for rockers, gothics and anyone that calls themself "alternative". So really it's people dressed in black, guys with make-up, girls with dreads, and ugly people getting some.
So i put on my corduroi black pants, some shirt that i've been wearing too often, but hey, it's the only one with some color in it, and a nice brownish sweater made from the same stuff as towels. Dress to impress ? Hardly, but oh well...
I talked a bit to jo on mIRC, sang along to some songs, and thought about what could happen, and what probably would happen. Time to leave.
On arriving at my friends house i noticed one thing right away. He was feeling as bad as i was. Though the headache had nearly faded, there was this feeling, it's not a tired feeling, rather the need to stretch, but you cant, you cant get the somewhat heavy feeling from your limbs and back. Soon after me another friend arrived, he had brought beer. I declined, though i knew i wouldn't survive the night ahead without alcohol. Another friend arrived, we were with 5 people now, and there was a clear difference in the group. Three of us went to the club the night before, and we were still groggy, and not keen on drinking more alcohol.
I emptied my can of beer as we were ready to go. My brother, who we were meeting up with was already in the youth center club thing so we couldn't keep him waiting too long. The three of us were supposed to go together, but the friend that had called me decided not to go. The 20 minute bike ride was one i could do with my eyes closed. Unless i was drunk ofcoarse, cos the trees tend to move around when i am drunk, bastards!
I got more cash from the bank, putting my total money spend this weekend at 120 bucks. Good thing im not a poor student.
As dark as most of the clothes were, as bright were the bikes. A chameleon would probably go insane trying to hide between them, every color imaginable was there.
We left our coats with some scary people in the garderobe, they would surely scare off any thieves, and probably some normal people too. Now there are 3 levels to this building. Downstairs is a snackbar, a café, toilets and a venting machine. Up the stairs is the main dancefloor with the stage and a DJ stage.The attic got closed by the firedepartment, it used to house the internet café.
We went upstairs and met up with my brother. After 2 beers and some idle chat we moved to the dancefloor. They really should put up a sign saying "Here be freaks", darn. I don't have anything against freaks, only against those with more prejudice then a klansman. Now it wasn't all bad, not my a long shot. Beautifull girls outnumbered the freaks 5 to 1, so there wasn't a big problem. And i even recognized a few from work, i see customers everywhere, sad but true.
I tried, i really did, wether it was my dancing, or my unfreakiness i dunno, but all the attention i got was from a girl that had a huge boyfriend with her, too big for me to even be bothered to flirt with her. So i decided to enjoy myself instead of working hard on getting some female attention.
And darn was it a feast! Most of the guys on joined the dancefloor when the really loud music was played, not wanting to get crushed all girls, and merc, left the floor, only to return as the loud song was over. I think ill get me an extra set of eyes in the back of my head, cos there were hot girls all over the place. In front of me were 3 girls, probably 17 or 18 years old, dressed in tight black whatever, dancing against eachother, yum yum. Behind me was this girl with a red thing on, like the blonde wears in the latest Atomic Kitten know the one...same thing as Dido in her video with that Angel dude, but not as tight... Behind her was this girl, i think she is from Chile or something, anyway, she looked like what i imagine Pocahontas had looked like, yum. Ofcoarse there were far more, but it's a big dancefloor, and was in a good place, a very good place.
Three o'clock, closing time.
My brother decided to stay there, me and my friend decided to go to the club we went the night before.
Darn! It's like an anthill, people all over the place, inside the club going from A to B took 10 minutes, normally 30 seconds.
Totally different crowd inside, long lines at the mens toilets and noone peeing...all looking to do some cocaine in the toilet with the door that has a lock, plenty of hot girls though.
Last time i went there on saturday was somewhere in July, long long ago.
Back then i focussed on this one girl, welll, on a few actually, but Wolfeyes told me to focus on that one... And guess what ? She was there! And this aint no ordinarry girl, oh no, she was a bartender...and still is, yay!
I thought it was her summer job, so i never bothered to go on saturday anymore. But she's still working saturdays, yay.
And there it was again, the look. You know the look right ? The quick glance your way, that starts it all. You cant help but notice her looking, and vice versa. So pretty soon you are both looking at eachother every other moment. Are you looking at her ? Or is she looking at you ? Does she want to look ? Or does she have to look, to see if you look ? Mighty confusing all this looking. I look, she smiles. Now is this a smile cos she likes you looking at her, or a nervous smile, wondering why the fuck this guy wont stop looking at her. So i order a beer, she looks me in the eyes, and smiles again.
This is where i decided to move out of sight, or atleast, obscure her view on me. And yes, i was right in doing so, testing her. I see her eyes wonder across the crowd surrounding her bar, she is so focussed on finding me that she doesn't hear someone ordering something. The girl trying to order something waves to her, breaking her focus. After helping a few people she starts looking around again. Bingo! She finds my eyes as i watch her, another exchange of smiles takes place.
At this point my friend wants to leave, its so crowded inside hes getting a bit claustrofobic, i never noticed all the people, funny how everything around you fades when you are focussing all your attention in this one person.
Now this bar, her bar, is right next to the kitchen, and we just decided to get some food to go. So i walk to her bar, and the girl that helps in the kitchen is walking up to me, and woosh! she squeezes just in front of the kitchen girl. So im not imagining this ? Hmmm, okay...
So i order food, yum, food. As i order, very loud, very clear, she somehow doesnt hear me. So she comes closer, reaching over the bar so her face is closer to mine, and she holds her cheek against mine. Is it just me, or do bartenders normally like, dont do that ? I turn around facing my friend again, but in his scared claustrofobic frenzy he missed it all, too bad.
Some 5 minutes later the food is ready and we are ready to go, we exchange one last look and one last smile, and before i can do anything, say anything, a bunch of people start ordering stuff, and my friend makes for the door. So there merc was, a night without getting kicked in the nuts, slapped , or otherwise beaten up. Oh well...
Outside we eat our food, which takes me forever, the beer is not agreeing with the food atfirst. We get our bikes, and ride home.
Happy yet frustrated i go on mIRC, and what better way to vent frustration then to be a total moron on mIRC ? Well, i liked it anyway...
| posted by merc, 4:23 AM
Bad day ? Really ?
Try being this person :
That's the brand new Mercedes SLR McLaren on a testdrive before a big carshow in South Africa :P
Good thing the SLR is made of some lovely Carbon Fibre that can take a lot of hurt. Its only worth 661.000 bucks anyway...The Citi Golf looks a lot shorter though :P That's what you get for running a red light! :P
Talking about cash...
...that's a misprint of a "La Fayette" stamp from 1870-1871 and it's worth between 6 and 9 million Euro's. :S
| posted by merc, 11:14 AM

Sorry bout dinner...
Inhabitants of a small village on the island of Fiji have held an apology ceremonie.
What they apologized about ?
Well, they kinda ate an English missionary. Not really the people that live there now, but rather their ancestors in 1867.
They hope this will lift the curse that lay on their village, Nabutautau, ever since.
The missionary, Thomas Baker, was beat to death along with 8 of his followers and eaten. Why ? Beats me! ;)
His children went to Australia, and from there their decendands now return to help lift the curse.
David vs Goliath...
Goliath, alias Microsoft, has sued Dutch firm Microsoof. They did it because Microsoof had registered two dutch phone-numbers, for name dialing. The numbers spelled 0900-microso and 0800-microso, they are help lines for people with computer problems (microsoof is a combination of microsoft and philosopher, in dutch anyway :P)
Silly Billy again, oh well, nice try, but they lost the first case and are trying again.
Sex before the game...
Oh yes! It really is a bad bad thing!
The female soccer team of Namibia lost a game at home against South Africa with 13-0. A newspaper from South-Africa got their hands on a hotel bill which showed the women had watched 6 porn movies the night before. The coach was fired and the tv's got disabled for the return match in South-Africa...
The result ?
Namibia lost with 1-13 !!! Teehee! So sex is bad bad bad! Sex = -1 goal.
Hmmmm, and ofcoarse the home advantage...:P
Taz is dying...
The Tasmanian Devil, which can only be found on the Island of Tasmania, is suffering greatly from a musterious illness which already killed half the population. It's some sort of facial cancer, and its on a rampage :S
They are hoping to find a cure within a year, otherwise its the next Taz that kicks the bucket (tasmanian tigers were all shot a century ago :S)
Some taxi deiver got robbed by 2 guys.
They made him glue himself to the steeringwheel and took off with a few hundred euro's :P
Silly people...
Newtendo ?
Nintendo will supposedly launch their new computer next year. It will be on show in May at the E3 show.
Yea right! Heh! Will never happen, they are always late...
X-men 3 and Weapon-X ?
Along with X-men 3 Jackman will also feature in Wolverine, a spin-off movie from the x-men franchise.
Now thats a great idea! :) I hope it will be better then the x-men stuff....
Lovely, 15 million copied DVD's being crushed in the Fillipines.
Nice keeper there at the Canadanian Toronto Mapple Leafs...
| posted by merc, 8:17 AM

I got a call last night during dinner (dinner being some microwave thing that was hot on the outside and frozen on the inside, that i ate at the computer)
It was a friend of mine i hadn't talked to in a while. I was pretty surprised with the call, and with his question.
"Wanna go see Tiësto tonight...?"
I was like, uhm, tonight....
My dinner smiled at me, i was a bit under the weather and going out hadn't crossed my mind. Then he told me the others he had called too, didn't wanna go, so it was him and me, and a bunch of people i didnt know. I figured hey what the hell, so i said yes. So i finished dinner and started getting ready, and the phone rang, again...
"You stay there we will pick you up..."
Great stuff, no bother for me then, otherwise i would have had to ride my bike there, and back the next morning...
I put together a nice outfit, my black pants (ribbed ones, dunno the english term) a plain white shirt with a V-neck, and i black vest with high colar. Guess who merc looked like ? I'll give you a hint...Neo.... ;)
So there i was, waiting, and waiting, and doorbell.
My friend had arrived, he gave me my "ticket", a yellow see through plastic wristband. And the next thing he said made me jump with joy (no im not cheap) it was all VIP!!!!
So i got in the car with this other guy, we went to drop of the other car they brought. After dropping it off, a feeling hit me... It was the kind of feeling you get when a hot blonde gets out of the second car and introduces herself, yum! ;)
We drove to my friends house, i had never seen it, great place. They were watching the first matrix movie, so i took it upon me to spoil it all, no such luck, they knew the script better then me....:P
Being merc and all, im like really really...i am... So after some 15 minutes i had a good look at her, yummy. The coat was hiding lots of great stuff...if you get my drift...;)
So we watched for a bit, i had 2 beers, and we prepared to leave. We were with 5 people now, and 1 tiny car. I called shotgun ( ) and wasnt the brightest idea i had...but oh well...
So blah blah, drove there, blah blah... We got to the venue and couldnt find the VIP entrance...hmmm, but hey, there it was, behind the big row of other people looking to get in via the normal entrance...haha! So we passed all these people, lots of yummy in the row... And what did i see...? The posters i had to work overtime for on friday! So i deserved the VIP!
So they checked our passes and we got directed up up up! We went to the VIP balcony, consisting of a bar with free everything, 2 small balconies looking down 5 stories, and im afraid of heights, and through 2 big doors the big ass balcony, looking out over the dancefloor. So we had a bunch of free drinks and decided to go downstairs. Slowly the rows outside started pooring in, and the party started. The main act started spinning his records at 2:00. And, as expected it was a lot of people jumping and cheering. Then my friend said : "He is gonna play a song of Rene..." Rene being a friend of mine who produces music, and who i write lyrics for sometimes....! So now i really deserved the VIP!!!
My friend was looking to score with the hot blonde, so i backed off. There was one problem though, she didnt....:S
So i danced, and danced, and danced, i freaking outdanced em all! ;)
After an hour on the main dancefloor we went back up, more free drinks and less people, cos it was getting crowded downstairs. More awkward moments occured, but i managed to not screw up, and screwed myself over by doing so...
So anyway, blah blah, we left at 4:00 cos my friend had to be somewhere early the next morning. I didn't get to hear the song of my friend (and maybe me) but oh well.... One guy stayed, he would go home at 7:30 with the first train back, silly him.... So we drove home, we dropped her off, bubye :S, then they dropped me off. A great night, freaking great!
And then i came online and started saying, omg!, a lot....
So what did we learn ?
1. Dressing like Neo helps.
2. merc never gets the girl.
3. Mineral water is our friend.
4. VIP doesn't mean you get to pee from the balcony...
| posted by merc, 4:30 AM
Finger Phone
The Japanese made another wacky new toy.
The finger phone...
It's a wrist band thaat has no buttons on it. You use your finger as the put it in
your ear and the band sends vibrations through it which your eardrum translates into sound. You talk
into your wrist and dial with your voice...
And to turn it put your thumb and speaker finger together...lolz!
They are like, weird over there.
S.O.S, Save Our Sand...
Saudi-Arabia has just putlawed the export of sand...
Weird eh ?
A lot of places are having a huge sand shortage, and because of the rebuilding of Afhanistan and Iraq
more and more sand is exported.
So really there is no shortage, its just that the sand is being taken from places that are already short
on sand after so many years of export.
Until they find a way to get sand from deserts and abandoned regions in a profitable way, all export is
illegal and the borders will remain closed for sand..
BBC Viewers Top 10 Worst Movies...
10. Highlander II - The Quickening
Reviewers say : Connery is worse here than he is in "The Avengers". The script feels as if it were
written in crayon on the morning of filming. A director's cut is supposed to be much better - but then
everybody says that about director's cuts. "Highlander II" would have to be a new cut of a different
film to make a significant difference.
Viewers say : "Breathtakingly stupid."
merc says : Uhm, you mean Connery the Spanish dude with the Scottish accent ? Ain't he Indiana's dad ?
9. Eyes Wide Shut
Reviewers say : A daydream of a sexual fantasy.
Viewers say : "What the hell was that all about?"
merc says : I liked it, was weird at times, but i loved the freaky stuff, and the mystery of what
happened at the end with the piano player...and the jokes...and...and...
8. Battlefield Earth
Reviewers say : "it is a botched adventure that looks suspiciously like any number of other sci-fi tales
you will have seen, and pales instantly by the comparison."
Viewers say : "A totally miserable experience shared with six other sad and bemused people and 120 empty
merc says : Lolz! Monkies in jetplanes! Crash!Coarse on how to fly a F16 in 2 hours...? Shoot the
screenplay writer ?
7. The Avengers
Reviewers say : it's a film to gall fans of the old television series and perplex anyone else. I can't
remember another Friday morning show where I heard actual cries of "Ugh!" on the way out the door.
Viewers say : "As the film went silent before the closing credits I said aloud: 'That was ****!' and got
a round of applause."
merc says : Oi?
6. Batman and Robin
Reviewers say : Schwarzenegger wears his armor manfully and delivers such lines with suitable smirks.
And his Mr. Freeze is introduced as a former two-time Nobel Prize winner in molecular biology, which is
surely the funniest thing in the movie.
Viewers say : "I wanted to sandpaper my retinas."
merc says : Why!!!!!????? Darn, that was silly, plastic movie about uhm, i cant remember....
5. The Blair Witch Project
Reviewers say : Not as terrifying as advertised, and definitely flawed, it is still one of the most
original horror films to have emerged in recent years.
Viewers say : "Two hours that would have been more profitably spent trying to staple my tongue to my
merc says : Loved it! Now this is a top class thriller!!! Haunted me for days...
4. Vanilla Sky
Reviewers say : "stunning visual trickery allied to his trademark snappy dialogue, human characters, and
a welter of music/pop culture references"
Viewers say : "The lowest point of my life so far."
merc says : I liked the "original better : Abre Los Ojos. Also with Penelope Cruz.
3. Pearl Harbor
Reviewers say : Directed with zero subtlety by "Armageddon" 's Michael Bay, it's a great, bloated mess of a picture with a weak script and bland performances.
Viewers say : "It battered my intelligence with such ferocity I could barely find my way out of the cinema."
merc says : Nice arcade movie, no depth, just rivalry and action. I kinda liked it, a bit.
2. A.I. : Artificial Intelligence
Reviewers say : A bizarre meeting of minds between Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg, it will probably please neither lovers of the late film maker's cerebral work, or fans of the incorrigible populist's crowd-pleasing blockbusters.
Viewers say : "All copies should be incinerated."
merc says : BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!
1. Titanic
Reviewers say : The script for the movie is rather like those rivets. It's weak and riddled with poor dialogue. But despite its failings it's hard not to become swept up in the sheer grandeur of "Titanic".
Viewers say : "It sank. There. I've saved you three hours of your life."
merc says : Lovely love story, and stuff... I liked it enough to see it a few times since it appeared.
| posted by merc, 3:35 PM
Two news items caught my attention in todays national news. Though both very different in nature they do both show how stupid humans can be. The first is about a thing that we have all seen on the news before in different countries in Asia, or in movies like Broke Down Palace. Asian countries have tight laws about drugs, and the punishments are all heavy. One thing is for sure though, there isnt a problem with drugs there, unlike most western countries.
This item is about Machiel Kuijt, a Dutch man that's is being held in Thailand for drugs trafficing. He was arrested in 1997 with an Italian friend of his on his way to the airport of Bangkok. Half a kilo of heroine had been found in the house of an ex-girlfriend of his and her brother, both Thai. His Italian friend got to go to Italy but he had to remain in Thailand. In march of last year the court cleared him of all charges and he had to remain in Thailand because the destrict attorney went to a higher court.
Today the news came that the judge of the higher court had reached a verdict on friday and he had been sentenced him to life in prison. Only today did the judge bother to tell the verdict to Kuijt's attorney and Dutch Embassy. They also havent received a copy of the verdict, so the reasoning behind this verdict is a big puzzle. The Dutch government havent got a deal with the Thai government unlike some European countries to extradite prisoners and have them finish their jail time in their own country.
Just to illustrate how serious the Thailand government is about drugs : A few years back they started a big offensive against dealers and trafficers of drugs. There were over 43.000 arrests and over 1600 dealers and trafficers died during the investigation...
The second item is of a totally different nature, although its also about drugs. Dutch children come into contact with drugs a lot younger then a few years back. These drugs are mostly drinking and smoking, most weed and hash.
Today however a children daycare center employee was witness to something unusual and shocking. A 5 year old girl was "dealing" drugs in the daycare (which is in the town where i work and go out in). She was handing out candy she had gotten from her brother. The daycare employee got suspicious and had a look at the candy. These innocent candies appeared to be XTC pills, and balloons of cocaine and heroine. One kid had already accepted a candy and was about to eat it, so the employee was just in time to stop him/her.
The police arrested the mother and the 3 brothers of the girl. After a search the police found a large amount of soft and harddrugs in the car of her 21 year old brother. Good thing the daycare lady recognized the drugs eh...?
Shorts :
Indepence Day has the most cheesy filmmoment of all times. The scene in which Bill Pullman plays the president of the USA and addresses the public was thought of as the cheesiest ever. Other "winners" are Tome Cruise in Top Gun with his "You can be my wingman anytime" and a scene from Four Weddings and a Funeral in which the great dialogue "It stopped raining ? I hadn't noticed..." can be heard. And then there were Stepmom and Pearl Harbor, but i wont even mention those, eugh!
Americans get more music singles online then from stores. Well, duh! Yea yea, but these they pay for...uhuh. They buy most from iTunes (apple's new legal napster ?) and Musicmatch. Good for them ;)
Amazon is stopping their "Search inside the book" function due to author complaints. After a week of being operational its being taken down. The database had 33 million pages of 120.000 books. "People started printing important sections from cookbooks and travelbooks." Good thing they took it down, somehow i value books more then music...hmmm...
| posted by merc, 11:05 AM
Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet.
Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
"Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH".
Pearls melt in vinegar.
The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brothers first flight.
The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.
You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.
Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
Back in the mid to late 80s, an IBM compatible computer wasn't considered a hundred percent compatible unless it could run Microsofts Flight Simulator.
Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.
Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.
An old law in Bellingham, Wash., made it illegal for a woman to take more than 3 steps backwards while dancing.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying!
In Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered.
Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.
By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand.
The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time the most known player on the market was the Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.
There are four cars and eleven lightposts on the back of a $10 dollar bill.
The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.
There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple, and silver!
There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.
The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.
Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.
American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class.
Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.
Playing cards were issued to British pilots in WWII. If captured, they could be soaked in water and unfolded to reveal a map for escape.
During the chariot scene in 'Ben Hur' a small red car can be seen in the distance.
("You know about the three myths about the chariot race, don't you?" Heston asks. "The first myth says that a red car is visible; the second says that a man was killed, and the third is that I'm wearing a wristwatch." All false, according to the man who was there. "Even if I was wearing a wristwatch, you couldn't see it because of the leather arm bands I had on.")
40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top.
The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver".
When Heinz ketchup leaves the bottle, it travels at a rate of 25 miles per year.
Skepticisms is the longest word that alternates hands when typing!
Most lipstick contains fish scales!
It is impossible to lick your elbow
Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch T.V for 3 hours.
If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.
There are currently more $100 bills in Russia then there are in the United States.
It's against the law in Chicago to eat in a place that is on fire.
Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour.
13 people each year are killed by Vending Machine's falling on them
It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are drunk.
More than 2500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products.
If you attempted to count to stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count them all.
In 1933, Mickey Mouse, an animated cartoon character, received 800,000 fan letters.
One million Americans, about 3,000 each day, take up smoking each year. Most of them are children.
At - 40 degrees Centigrade a person loses about 14.4 calories per hour by breathing.
Odds of being killed in a tornado- 1 in 2 million.
"Formicophilia" is the fetish for having small insects crawl on your genitals.
It's illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while you're sitting on a curb in St. Louis!
The saying "it's so cold out there it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey" came from when they had old cannons like ones used in the Civil War. The cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation, called a brass monkey. When it got extremely cold outside they would crack and break off... thus the saying.
Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
| posted by merc, 3:28 AM