Writing to reach you

I had a day off today. And as always I pretty much wasted it in bed and behind my computer. I woke up at 8:00 in the morning, that was my first time awake. Realizing that I had a day off i quickly returned to the dream state my biological clock awoke me from so rudely. As those things go I had forgotten the dream moments after I woke up again at 12:00...I so hate when that happens... So I grabbed my remote and watched a bit of T.V, the only thing of interrest was Roland Garros or some dinosaur show on Discovery, so I grabbed some breakfast instead. Breakfast was as exciting as always, 2 slices of bread, one with chocolate flakes, one with blueberry sprinkles. And ofcoarse the ever present glass of Coca Cola, so i lose my teeth that little bit faster. "I pitched and tossed and turned and spun - doing my best to avoid him - until I just couldn't take it anymore. I forced the heavy lids up and open and stared the eyeballs straight into the beastly light. I dunked my face into the pot of hot coffee and dove out the window and thus began the day. Things to do... Up. Awake. Onward. Forward." Johnny Depp in the book Blow by Blow, on the movie Blow and the character of George Jung. I love that quote, and it's so who I want to be. Oh well, maybe later... So I put on my computer and had a look in FaitH, though I really dont know why I still bother. I read a few forum posts that had been created during the night. Nothing special there, just more newbies coming up with ideas that I've heard a million times before, and more complaints we've all heard a million times before, and are still fixed... I made a lovely poem on some posts made by Gomi about finally tossing out Crappy the Server, though I'm sure we will see plenty more crappy service for the next few Era's. Time "flew" by, yea right, and I went to the woods with the dog. Ofcoarse I took my trusty camera with me, cos hey, you never know what might turn up. The really strange thing for this time of the year are all the mushrooms, so I took some 30 pics of a bunch of em, I think I saw 6 different types, maybe more. A few close-ups of some flowers, and drops of rain and dew on leafs, lovely. Some 1,5 hours later we returned from the woods and I went back upstairs to my computer. I put the battery of my camera in the loader, cos it was pretty drained after a slow week. I talked a while with a friend of mine, I send him a few pics I made last weekend at a party, there were some lovely girls there, I might post a few later. So we agreed to meet up tonight, after E.R ofcoarse, my trusty shot of daily human emotion...I might O.D once i order the DVD's... Right now it's dinner time, my dad got Chinese, and here he comes now, so I'll be back later...
| posted by merc, 8:59 AM


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