Dog eat...uhm...Balls!
A German sheperd belonging to a Manchester Golfclub uhm, manager, loved fetching golf balls.
The 1,5 year old bitch, Libby, fetched every ball the man threw, but he never noticed she didn't drop any on returning.
When suddenly the dog gave up some blood and wouldn't eat anymore the owner was clueless.
The vet however wasn't clueless, he could hear and feel the balls, she ate them.
The vets at the practice started betting how many balls were in the dogs belly, the highest number guessed was 11.
The operation lasted 2,5 hours and cost the owner 900 Euro's.
The result ? 28 golfballs!!!!
Darn dude, a dog with 28 golfballs in its belly! They weighed 2,5 kilo's, darn.
| posted by merc, 10:24 AM
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