Writing to reach you

There once was a monkey called Bob... ...he was the favourite monkey of Goddess Tyara..."Hey! What are you looking at ?!" ...Goddess Tyara was always very bored during DevChat...*yawn* ...so she sometimes acted like a monkey herself...*oeh oeh oeh! ah ah!* ...she also loves to eat while watching chat... ...but its not always as yummy... ...she is rather innocent though, very cute... ...too bad she hasnt mastered the English language though...it's m-e-r-c.... Did you say merc...?.... ...that's better, go on, go on....closer... Pretty... Nice skirt... For more pics (not all, no room online...) go looksie here : http://home.wanadoo.nl/sander.heijstee/Tyaracam2/ disclaimer : Tyara wasnt actually doing what you saw above, ive taken it out of context for comic purposes, my apologies if i offended either Tyara, or one of her fans, its all in good fun...
| posted by merc, 4:14 PM


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