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Apple Supercomputer... A supercomputer created by Apple has just entered the top5 of most calculations per second on spot number 4. The computer is made up of 2200 G5 processors (so thats 1100 dual-processors from regular G5's) They can now reach a speed of 8,1 teraflops, 1 teraflop being calculations per secomd...and this isnt at full capacity. A normal supercomputer costs between 100 and 250 million (!) dollars to build, the Apple only cost 5 million and was build in only 1 month time. The 8,1 teraflops is supposedly only 48% of the theoretic peak a computer can reach, but according to some far more is possible... King of the Dead... Yup yup! Elvis does it once again... For the 3rd time in a row Elvis reached the #1 spot in the "moneymaking dead" list of Forbes magazine. On #2 is Charles Schultz, Snoopy's creator. And 3rd ? Thats J.R.R Tolkien, he shot up to third place thanks to the hype created by the movies... Elvis gained 40 million dollars this yearl, pretty nice for a guy that died 26 years ago. Schultz got "only" 32 million dollars. Tolkien got 22 million, beating John Lennon by 3 million. Another ex-Beatle got 3 million less, giving him the #4 spot, George Harrison (no Paul aint dead!). Its mostly musicians in the top. Besides Elvis, Harrison and Lennon there are also Sinatra, Tupac, Marley and Hendrix. And composers like Irving Berlin, Rodgers and Hammerstein. Nice Airstrip :P Its in the Maledives, 1192 islands that form a country. Every holiday resort is like a country on its own though... Ghettopoly, its causing a rage in American cities cos of the stereotypes. Darn, thatsa nice lil Aquarium, the largest window in the world, in Japan.
| posted by merc, 11:14 AM


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