German Shepperd....
A man Berlin, Germany, was arrested for teaching his dog the Hitler greet. He has to apear in court for : "Using signs (handgestures) of unconstitutional organisations"
His black sheperd, Adolf, raised its right paw on command. He first did it while in the presense of 2 police-officers, the act was repeated a few times more that day...
Heh, what happened to playing fetch eh ? :P
Weirdo, next time call it Napoleon and have it walk around in a nice hat with its paw against its breast :P
Or maybe uhm, uhmmmmmm, yea...
Poor Adolf...he doesnt look like last weeks Adolf...
Punishing Angels...
The man I reported about a week or so ago, who helped an 81 year old women end her life heard the judge sentence him to 1 year of which 8 months parole with a probational period of 2 years. Another court had spoken the same sentence earlier. The convicted man stated : "The court acted like a religious court, you expect these kind of trials in Iran, not The Netherlands..."
His lawyer, a well respected one, stated that the court felt the need to reopen the discusion on euthanasia, a rather weird move. He also mentioned this case was somewhat hard cos it was on the thin line of acceptable euthanasia and murder.
New Project.
The creators of Kazaa, Niklas Zennstrom and Januss Friis, are busy working on a new project. Its called Skype and like Kazaa its p2p (peer-to-peer). Skype will allow people to make telephone calls via internet, for free. With special software, a headset, a microphone and a broadband connection you are set to make free calls all over the world. That is, if the person you are looking to call uses Skype too...:)
Right new Skype is in beta testing (version 0.93) They just updated and the sound quality is much better, as is USB support and more Soundcards can be used now.
The Skype software lets you create and manage lists of friends and contacts with who you can then call. There are no central servers this way, just like Kazaa.
So uhm, how illegal will this be ? :P I guess not, not yet anyway. Here in holland we have UPC, a cable distributer doing the same, kinda. They offer the ability to pay 60 euro's for free calling each month, instead of a set rate per minute. Weird that, and doesnt MSN allow Video chat, and sound chat...? Oh well...
Oh, and uhm, after yesterdays blog, Dell gave in to HCC...:P
Short copy/pasted news....
1. The University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada, is hosting a special seminar entitled "Bondage 101" to teach participants how to use ropes safely in a sexual context.
2. A "school for soubrettes" that teaches young Italian women the not-so-subtle skills needed to become television game show hostesses and showgirls has opened near Naples backed by generous European Union funding.
The programme at the First Tel School has prompted a political storm over the EU's willingness to put £1 million into what critics say is a "course for bimbos". 1200 women applied for the 97 available places, as did a few men.
3. ereHay isway inklay otay away Englishway otay igPay atinLay anslatortray, enjoyway!
4. And here is a nice insult generator you ooze orifice of a Hijkakian Yemzid...uhm, yea...!
And this poor bugger is most probably the last Soft-Shell Giant Turtle on earth...he/she lives in a lake in Vietnam.
Shame on us!
| posted by merc, 10:50 AM

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